Enhancing Leadership Literacy to Manage Parental Leave and Reduce Systemic Discrimination​

One of the big four professional services firms

Parental leave transition coaching prevents bias and discrimination, closes the gender pay gap, improves leadership literacy on inclusion and improves gender balanced retention and promotion of talent 

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The Background

A leading Big 4 professional services firm faced high turnover during parental leave, contributing to costly systemic discrimination. To address this, the firm partnered with us to pilot a Parental Leave Transition Coaching program aimed at improving leadership literacy among managers.


The firm’s data revealed a 6.1% turnover rate for employees returning from parental leave, above the industry average. This high turnover indicated low leadership literacy in managing parental leave transitions, exacerbating gender pay gaps and discrimination.

Solution and Results

We introduced a Parental Leave Transition Coaching program, making it mandatory for managers when a team member requested leave. The coaching focused on reducing bias, improving inclusion literacy, and educating leaders on the caretaker model.



Within two years, the firm’s parental leave turnover rate dropped from 6.1% to below the industry average of 3.6%, saving $6.075 million. The program also enhanced leadership literacy, leading to better gender-balanced retention and promotion of talent. This case study  highlights the effectiveness of integrating Parental Leave Transition Coaching into parental leave processes. By improving leadership literacy on inclusion, the firm successfully reduced discrimination, closed the gender pay gap, and achieved substantial cost savings.

Awards and Partners

Julie Moss shares how Transgrid’s balanced Primary Care options promote well-being and support for all, with more men than ever taking parental leave or accessing flexible work.


In collaboration with the Office for Women Victoria and Macquarie University we have proven, for the first time, that when workplaces improve their flexible work arrangements, return to work experiences or parental leave, they can close discrimination gaps and improve workplace gender equality.

Find out how Grace Papers partnered with Australia’s biggest employer, helping them improve gender balance and leverage the full potential of their workforce – whilst managing compliance, reducing discrimination and boosting their reputation as an organisation that values care.

Build a more equal workplace and create lasting change, today.​