Are you ready for Respect@Work?

Prevent discrimination, safeguard your reputation and create a safe and respectful workplace culture.

Equip your leaders with confidence, competence, and capability through our comprehensive 12-month group coaching journey. Aligned with the AHRC’s 7 standards for complying with the positive duty, our Respect at Work program ensures your organisation meets the Positive Duty (Respect at Work)  and embeds a shared commitment to the right behaviours & practices within your team.

Partner with Grace Papers to achieve Gender Equity through Respect@Work.


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Trusted by top-tier brands to empower their people and build an employer of choice culture

Performing while transforming

It’s time to shift from merely reacting to sexual harassment and discrimination to actively preventing it. Our programs don’t just meet prevention-focused Positive Duty requirements—they stop systemic issues before they start.

Through group and 1:1 coaching, participants will:

  • Create a shared vision for gender equity with an intersectional approach.
  • Develop an inclusive culture through increased leader competency in managing diverse teams.
  • Understand which levers to pull to support & embed behavioural and systemic controls that prevent workplace inequality.

Enhance your reputation as an employer of choice. Book a free Respect at Work consultation today to reduce turnover and attract top talent.


Book Your Free Respect at Work Consultation Valued at $2,800

The power of RAW Confidence Coaching Experience

Equip your leaders and frontline managers to foster safe, inclusive and gender balanced cultures with best-in-class training and micro-learning content that — combined with our 1:1 coaching — enables your leaders to continue performing while transforming.

Executive group coaching

Group coaching sessions with executive level facilitators with deep expertise in governance, gender equality and inclusion.

One-to-one coaching

Tailored 1:1 executive coaching sessions using Grace Papers’ proven social impact model.

Employee experience platform

Full-year access to our Respect@Work Coaching Lab, offering micro-learning activities and tailored email programs on gender equity, sponsorship, intersectionality, psychological safety, and the positive duty to maintain a respectful workplace.

Intelligent reporting and insights

Respect@Work Confidence & Insights Survey provides crucial insights into your line of business’s strengths and areas for improvement. With data and insights to measure and demonstrate the impact of your initiatives over the year.

Meet your legal obligations (Positive Duty), reduce reputational risks by proactively addressing sexual harassment and discrimination, unlock the advantages of workplace gender balance, enhance your reputation as a preferred employer for women and foster a more inclusive culture and welcoming workplace for all.

Impact you can measure

Return on Investment

Our empowerment model is proven to reduce discrimination and increase promotions, delivering an average 10X ROI.

Participant Recommendation

Tailored to each employee’s unique journey—whether in parenting, caregiving, or leadership—our coaching ensures impactful and relevant guidance.

Grace Papers Respect@Work culture program was so powerful

“Grace Papers Respect@Work culture program was really so powerful and ignited a lot of momentum in this area over the next 12 months for our team. Huge thanks and can’t wait to roll this out for the group managers next!.”

Rachel Mead – People Lead Woolworths

Awards and Partners

Case Study

Respect at Work career coaching increased the number of women in store manager roles by 10% in less than six months

Find out how Grace Papers partnered with Australia’s biggest employer, helping them improve gender balance and leverage the full potential of their workforce – whilst managing compliance, reducing discrimination and boosting their reputation as an organisation that values care.

Prepare your workplace for the future by equipping leaders today.

Speak to a Respect at Work Expert today. Take advantage of our deep expertise in human rights, workplace gender equality, and governance to enhance your workplace.