To celebrate the launch of our new digital coaching platform earlier this year, we partnered with our friends at Endota Spa to give away an Endota Spa gift card to one of our lucky Grace Papers members who completed their Parenting Legacy activity.
We asked the winner Laura Yuile, Digital Accelerator at PwC AU, about her experience juggling work and motherhood since taking parental leave for her first child.
Where are you in your career and care journey?
I’m currently having discussions with work about what a role looks like for my return in January. It’s been great to catch up on what’s been happening since June and think about a role that excites me and is sustainable as a new parent.
What were your biggest challenges prior to getting involved with Grace Papers?
My biggest challenges were around the volume of work I had and how I realistically handed things over without it being overwhelming; I was nervous about feeling I might be missing out whilst I was on parental leave; I was also conscious about losing my sense of self in becoming a mum.
How has Grace Papers helped you on your career and care journey?
Grace Papers coaching was really strategic and timely. I have appreciated the opportunity to reflect on my skills and goals before I had my baby and then, when the time was right, think about myself as a parent to start to articulate my parenting legacy. I’m now able to use those reflections to bring things together and consider the strengths I have as I come back into the world of work. I’m approaching my conversations with my leaders in a more empowered way.
To create your own Parenting Legacy or explore the new courses on offer log in to the Grace Papers platform.