Women In Leadership ​


Empowering women to lead and increasing agency and confidence among female employees in a male dominant industry


Sector: Energy, chemical and resources

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The Background

Our client identified that a lack of career agency and confidence amongst female employees impacting their engagement with career growth opportunities. Many women expressed uncertainty about their career trajectories and growth prospects within the company. 

Very few had sponsors.

It could not be about fixing women.

The Solution: Women In Leadership Group Coaching

Grace Papers was engaged to:


  • Increase the pipeline of promotion-ready women internally
  • Improve retention of women talent by increasing their agency and confidence 
  • Improve workplace safety & respect by intrinsically motivating women to lead
  • Cause an institutional shift in the way the organisation engages with women that acknowledges the social expectations that see many women assuming primary caregiving responsibilities.
  • Enable whole person growth to drive optimal performance
  • Create a network of women, for women

Critical to the success of this program was participants seeing this as more than a professional development opportunity solely for women: sponsorship was vital, as was the Leadership Team listening to participant feedback and ‘asks’. 

The Results


  • 27% increase in career vision and perception of control
  • 23% increase in awareness of their work related value within their workplace systems
  • 22% increase in the perception of feeling ‘in control’ of their career



  • 27% increase in confidence to initiate discussions with manager about career intention, vision and planning
  • 23% increase in ability to implement strategies to achieve work/life balance
  • 22% increase in confidence in balancing multiple life roles such as professional, family member and friend


Participants shared back their journey with the leadership team, including structural barriers to career progression and engagement. These insights have impacted policy change and seen the introduction of new systemic controls for hiring and promotion practices internally. 

“The 1:1 coaching was fantastic. It helped me to work through some of the exercises, challenges I was facing, and provide a unique perspective. 

The vision statement process was extremely helpful and beneficial for someone who is open to different opportunities – I found other career planning approaches restrictive whereas after my coach worked through the career vision with me, I developed a statement that provides me with a target on how ‘check-in’ on alignment of my role vs. my vision… 

The burnout session really resonated, provided additional insight on signs to watch for in others (not just me), and reinforced the need to not skip any mitigations I have in place. 

I think this should be shared with the wider business.”

Women In Leadership Participant

Awards and Partners

Julie Moss shares how Transgrid’s balanced Primary Care options promote well-being and support for all, with more men than ever taking parental leave or accessing flexible work.


In collaboration with the Office for Women Victoria and Macquarie University we have proven, for the first time, that when workplaces improve their flexible work arrangements, return to work experiences or parental leave, they can close discrimination gaps and improve workplace gender equality.

Find out how Grace Papers partnered with Australia’s biggest employer, helping them improve gender balance and leverage the full potential of their workforce – whilst managing compliance, reducing discrimination and boosting their reputation as an organisation that values care.

Create a happy, safe, respectful and gender-balanced workplace today.​