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Category: For people leaders

Small acts of love

The ‘walk of shame’ is one that working parents and carers can experience while working flexibly in their organisation. The impact is huge. In addition to the stress that comes with getting our little people to early learning centres, kinder and school, the judgment we anticipate from our workplaces adds a whole other degree of unnecessary stress. We talk to Helen Fazzino, PwC Partner on her walk of shame and share our tips to address it.

How to own your flexible work arrangements, guilt free.

The ‘walk of shame’ is one that working parents and carers can experience while working flexibly in their organisation. The impact is huge. In addition to the stress that comes with getting our little people to early learning centres, kinder and school, the judgment we anticipate from our workplaces adds a whole other degree of unnecessary stress. We talk to Helen Fazzino, PwC Partner on her walk of shame and share our tips to address it.

No Firm Laws For Motherhood

Prue sits down with Natasha Stojanovic, Partner at Lander & Rogers to discuss her parental leave, and how coaching with Grace Papers helped her develop her professional vision.

Job Sharing: How it works

Innovative thinking from a leader determined to keep his female talent, Daniel Proietto, Head of the Employment Practice at Lander & Rogers, heard about a successful job-share from one of his clients, and pitched it to long-term colleagues, Amie Frydenberg and Emma Purdue.

The part-time partner

When Julie McKay fell pregnant mid-negotiations with PwC CEO Luke Sayers, she wondered whether those two pink lines meant the end of the conversation. As she embarks on her second parental leave, we spoke to the now PwC Partner for Diversity and Inclusion about her career to date, and how she makes it work as a partner working 3.5 days a week.

The ambition myth

It is still commonly assumed that women, once they become mothers, are less ambitious than men.  And that is especially the case for those seeking to work part-time: according to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency, while women make up nearly half of the workforce, full-time women comprise just one in five employees. But what does the evidence say?

Diverse group of women supporting each other at work

Empowered women empower women

When we use our empowered voices – as Cate Blanchette, Ava DuVernay, Lea Seydoux, Kirsten Stewart and Khadja Nim did this week at Cannes – to speak up and exercise our own freedoms, we can also advocate for a world in which others can experience the same.