Time to set your vision for 2018


Yes it’s that time of year again time to set your vision for 2018!

Yes it’s that time of year again time to set your vision for 2018. The Christmas crazy has subsided and I’m now looking down the barrel of adding the 2017 resolutions to 2018… You too? Don’t fret. I am reliably informed that everyone else is in the same boat…according to Forbes, only 8% of those who set new year’s resolutions actually achieve them. So, what’s the key to success? From those that have done it, it’s apparently not about having goals at all – it’s all about having a dream. A vision. Whether it be for career, a relationship, health or finances, using your imagination is the trick to creating a New Year’s Resolution you’ll be really celebrating this time next year! Which is why this January is the perfect time to dream up YOUR vision! Whether you feel like 2016 wasn’t up to scratch or you’re ready to tackle that niggling dream, creating a vision for how you want your life to be is one of the most powerful strategies you can use to achieving your goals. There may be a mountain of things you want to achieve in 2017, but it’s important not to over commit otherwise you can become overwhelmed and lose focus and energy. Striving for too many things usually just leaves me feeling dissatisfied with all that I end up failing to achieve… and disrupts my ability to cherish the good things I have going on. A vision supported by a few key goals is manageable and much more achievable.

1. Create a vision for your 2018!

You can’t be what you can’t see…so you need to visualise what you want to create in your life by using nothing but your imagination. Because until you can visualise something as being possible, it cannot begin to manifest. Find yourself a quiet space. If you’re at the beach, look at the water! If you’re at home, sit outside and look at a flower in full bloom or that dead plant you didn’t water. Perhaps you’d prefer to look at a photo of your family or friends. Then, take 3 deep breaths and empty your mind. Take a few moments to imagine your highest vision for your life:
  • What does it look like?
  • Who is in it?
  • What are you doing?
  • What values do you operate by?
  • What talents, gifts, life experiences and qualities are you expressing so that all of you is fully engaged?
Now picture yourself this time next year – what challenges have you overcome and how does life feel? What words and images describe it?

2. Now set 3 goals – they will show you HOW to make your dream a reality

In order to live your vision, you need to map the steps towards it. Break it down into 3 achievable steps by asking yourself: what are the steps I need to take towards my vision? Each step ought to be clear, with a deadline and a reason as to why it matters to you. This process enables you to transform your vision into a reality, and empowers you along the way. So if you dream of speaking Spanish, then write the first step you need to take towards it – for example you might want to enrol in a language course by the end of January, practice in the shower for 7 days straight until it becomes a habit, eat paella once a week, change your online profile to express your interest in dating a Mexican…

3. Hold yourself accountable…by sharing your deadlines with someone else.

Once you’ve got your steps to success sorted and given them some deadlines, share them with a friend. This helps to clarify the vision and ensures some accountability. That guilty feeling when the deadline approaches and you haven’t made a move yet can be a great motivating force!

4. Helpers – do you have a board of directors?

No man is an island, not even Hugh Grant. So use your people, work your connections and garner support for you to reach your vision. One way to look at it is by thinking about your vision as your career – you as the CEO, with a board of directors. Who should they be and what skills should they have? Speak to these people and share your vision with them: they can help you achieve it. If you’re coffee guy is Spanish, put him on your board and speak to him in Spanish. Hola!

5. Obstacles & limiting beliefs

So. Many. Excuses. Yep, we all have them…probably the real reason my 2017 New Year’s Resolutions have become my 2018 ones. So how are you going to overcome them? Make a list of the excuses you have for not being able to create and realise your vision. I bet your first one was “I don’t have time to do a visualisation!” But…do you actually have time not to have a vision? Aren’t you worth it? Create an affirmative mantra to help address your obstacles and limiting beliefs, to address that niggling doubt. Recall how it will feel to be living your vision this time next year.

6. Celebrate your success

No one is perfect. No one. So don’t beat yourself up about a few slips and tumbles here and there, they are all part of the journey. Instead focus on the positives, what you’ve done well and the moments of success. Even just giving yourself permission to think about your vision and work towards it is a step in the right direction, so pat yourself on the back. Good luck in 2018 people. May it be a prosperous and vision fuelled one. And if you’re wanting to set your Professional Vision for the future, sign up to Grace Papers today and in Step 2 of our digital coaching platform we will take you through how to set a vision for your career.
