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Jamila Rizvi on work, motherhood, and owning her achievements

Author, presenter and political commentator, Jamila Rizvi is fast becoming one of the leading voices in Australian media. From her role as chief creative officer for Future Women and a regular commentator on The Project, The Drum, Today and Q&A to author of the best-selling Not Just Lucky and The Motherhood, Jamila is one to watch. We sat down with the policy advisor turned women’s advocate to discuss the steps she has taken to truly ‘own’ her achievements, and what she wants other women to know.

Sarah Giblin

What I’ve Learned: Sarah Giblin on knowing her value

Senior HR Advisor at the Department of Communities and Justice, and a mother of three, Sarah Giblin has had years to learn how to balance home and work. Here, Sarah opens up about taking the time to think big, learning to squash the guilt, and how knowing her value helps her stay present – no matter what room she is in.

An Inclusive Approach to Parenting- Information Statement

You are invited to take part in this short survey to better understand the needs and experiences of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) parents. Your responses to this survey will inform a research report that outlines how organisations can ensure their policy, practice and programs are inclusive of all parents.

Respect@Work & the freedom to work free from sexual harassment

A review of the public discourse on sexual harassment over the past 2 weeks reveals deep-seeded disrespect for women, alarmingly, amongst leaders. We welcome the Respect@Work recommendations, but see an opportunity for one improvement: the case for mandatory reporting by ‘Officers’.

We need to talk about 2020 – A message from our CEO Prue Gilbert

At Grace Papers, we’ve welcomed the summer break as a time for reflection, relaxation and reconnection. We also took advantage of the quieter period to reimagine our vision for the future of work ensuring that technological advances and workplace transformations advance the agenda of gender equality, in particular as that agenda for and of working parents. Read Prue’s thoughts and vision here.

Evans Above! How Carys Evans from DELWP navigated a promotion after parental leave

Soon after returning from nine months parental leave following the birth of her daughter, Tegan, Carys Evans was promoted into the role of Acting Director of Land, Information and Spatial Services in the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) for the Victorian State Government. She is currently acting in this role while her Director, Amelia Chapman, is on parental leave. This meant learning the ropes of a completely new role and managing a large team of experts. If that wasn’t enough of a logistical challenge for the new family, her partner, Michael, also got promoted around the same time…