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Tag: women in leadership

2021 has been hard. But it was also filled with so. much. hope.

There is no question that the challenges of 2021 have been unprecedented (and are far from over), but I’m of the firm belief that it hasn’t been all doom and gloom. In fact, I think it has been a time of reckoning, surprising us with the gift of clarity and visibility of human rights issues.

Exhausted? How Grace Papers can help

We share some steps to help foster healthier workplaces and prevent burnout by assisting leaders in caring for themselves and exhausted employees.

The ambition myth

It is still commonly assumed that women, once they become mothers, are less ambitious than men.  And that is especially the case for those seeking to work part-time: according to the Workplace Gender Equality Agency, while women make up nearly half of the workforce, full-time women comprise just one in five employees. But what does the evidence say?