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Category: Flexibility

Six Steps to Flexing For Success!

If the way we were working prior to the pandemic wasn’t working, simply wrapping flexible working up with a different name and leaving your employees

Woman Looking After Baby

The one simple question to help unpack the mental load

Psychologist Sabina Read believes asking someone: “What is the hardest thing about being you at the moment?” can be a great way to open a conversation about the worries and responsibilities we are carrying around inside our minds every day.

2021 has been hard. But it was also filled with so. much. hope.

There is no question that the challenges of 2021 have been unprecedented (and are far from over), but I’m of the firm belief that it hasn’t been all doom and gloom. In fact, I think it has been a time of reckoning, surprising us with the gift of clarity and visibility of human rights issues.